Archway Gallery, Houston, TX – Accepted into Gallery March 2010

Watercolor Honor Society invited Mary to be a member in May 2010 as a result of honors received at Watercolor USA which earned her Signature Status.
Watercolor U.S.A. 2010, selected Mary’s painting Shattered Glass in May 2010 for a cash award and as a patron purchase. The painting exhibited at the Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, Missouri June 12 through August 8, 2010.

National Watercolor Society (NWS), Juror Mary Addison Hackett, selected Mary’s painting Frost on the Breath of Life as part of the 2010 National Watercolor Society All Member Exhibit at the NWS Building in San Pedro, CA.

Texas Watercolor Society – Notified 12/21/09 that Faces of Turmoil was accepted into the Texas Watercolor Society 61st Annual Exhibition held in April 2010 at the Rockport Center for the Arts.
Numerous selections and awards locally.